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زيادة حجم الذاكرة الداخلية لجوال samsung galaxy mini GT-S5570 الى 1G

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الاخوة والاخوات فى منتدى المشاغب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
بعد بحث طويل وجدت طريقة مضمونة لزيادة حجم الذاكرة الداخلية لجوال
samsung galaxy mini GT-S5570

الى 1G

وقد قمت بالتجربة وهى ناجحة ولله الحمد
ولكن تتطلب وجود بطاقة الذاكرة فى الهاتف وعدم اخراجها مطلقاً
اذا اخرجت بطاقة الذاكرة سيرجع حجم الذاكرة الداخلية الى الحجم الاصلى
ملحوظة: انا لااتحمل اى اضرار تلحق بالهاتف
فالطريقة مضمونة وناجحة بالاستخدام الصحيح فقط
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::
متأسف جداً فالشرح من موقع انجليزى لاننى لم اجد هذة الطريقة فى اى موقع عربى

اذا قام احد بترجمة الموضوع فجزاه الله كل خير

شرح الطريقة:

الجزء الاول :عمل فورمات لبطاقة الذاكرة
ومن ثم تقسيمها ببرنامج

MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition

طريقة التقسيم
SD card partitioning

This page is meant to help you with easy partitioning the SD card to create:
  • ext2 partition (for android app2sd and other tricks)
  • swap partition (for android swap creation)

using MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition

Simplest way is to use "MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition" from


This tool is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista & Windows 7
requirements: USB SD Card reader.
pull SD card from phone, insert into USB SD Card reader. Windows should report new drive and content of the drive should be visible.
  • step 1: delete old partitions on SD card
Note: this partition manager QUEUES the operations. So nothing is deleted and changed UNTIL you click "APPLY" and then confirm by clicking "OK".
Make sure you are deleting partition on SD card! (not your hard drive for example)
This step deletes everything on SD card, so backup files first!
Dont be afraid, just read everything and think twice before selecting correct drive.
Do you see three gray icons on the bottom? Under each of them the capacity of each drive is listed, and SD CARD has slightly different icon.
Hard drives on the screenshot have 465.8GB and 74.5GB, and on the bottom, the SD card, with 3.8GB capacity.

  • step 2: create FAT or FAT32 partition
select "Create As": PRIMARY Select "File System:" FAT when you have 2GB or smaller card.
Select "File System:" FAT32 when you have 4GB or greater card.

  • step 3: create ext2 or ext3 or swap partition*

select "Create As": PRIMARY Select "File System:" ext2 - for App2SD
Select "File System:" swap to make swap

If you want to create both: do not assign all the space for the first one this way you will have space for creating second one.

  • step 4: finish
finally, click "apply" button on top left corner.
partitions will be created and card will be formatted.

الجزء الثانى:

1) Download Tass.ops file for Odin!

2) Type this number on your phone keyboard:


and keep note of the PDA code of the Firmware installed.

3) Download boot image ready for Odin and suitable for your firmware:

All modded images are inside my Google Drive; actually we find:
ملحوظة:اذا لم تجد الفريم وير بتاع جهازك فى القائمة اذهب الى
Google Drive

4) Flash the downloaded archive with Odin

Example image follows:

انتهت الخطوات

هكذا اصبح حجم الذاكرة بعد عمل الخطوات

فى رعاية الله

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